POOZA app is available for free on Google Play, iTunes App Store, and Amazon App Store.
What devices can I install POOZA on?
You can install POOZA on almost any smartphone or tablet, however, kids often perform better on larger tablets such as the iPad 2 or later (best option), or the 7-inch Kindle Fire (3d generation, 2013, or later).
During installation select YES when asked “Allow the app to access photos, media, and files on your device?”
If you select NO, the app may freeze on the introductory screen.
I plan to purchase a tablet to administer POOZA to my child. What is the least-expensive tablet I can buy?
We recommend Kindle Fire, 7″ Display, Wi-Fi, 8 GB for 49.99.
Does POOZA need WiFi to work?
You do not need WiFi to enjoy POOZA. You will only need WiFi connection when you initially download the app.
English is not my native language. Can I still use POOZA?
Yes. The methodology behind POOZA does not rely on knowledge of any particular language. POOZA is used by children all over the globe.
What age(s) is POOZA TODDLERS suited for?
POOZA was developed for children from 2 to 3 years of age.
Is there any benefit in guessing the answer?
The benefits of solving puzzles greatly diminish if a child is relying on trial-and-error as opposed to active mental simulation. Please make sure your child really thinks about the answers instead of guessing. Encourage your child to solve puzzles mentally, and only then drag the answer into position.
Why do all the answers have to be dragged into place? Why not just tap the correct answer?
All ImagiRation games involve dragging the answer into the correct position. We never use the tap interaction in our puzzle exercises. While tapping on the correct answer may be easier for a child, there are several reasons for why we decided to only use the drag-and-drop mechanism.
First, using drag-and-drop avoids accidental answers. Any unintentional touch of the screen in the area where answers are shown results in the program counting an incorrect solution. In an adaptive game environment, this may result in the erroneous reduction of a game’s difficulty level just because a child unintentionally tapped an answer on the screen.
Second, tapping the screen does not involve much effort. Children often end up intentionally tapping on all answers until the correct answer is found. Such a trial-and-error approach does not benefit a child’s cognitive development. Drag-and-drop, on the other hand, forces the child to invest a lot of his attention into holding and dragging the solution into the correct position. This provides an additional incentive to first solve puzzles mentally, and only then drag the answer into position.
Finally, drag-and-drop mechanism improves a child’s fine-motor control. Improvement of fine motor control has shown to be associated with improvements in cognitive development as well.
How can I lock my device so that my child doesn’t get distracted with other apps?
We recommend locking your device to POOZA so that your child can focus on exercises.
For iPad and iPhone:
- Launch Settings on your iPhone or iPad.
- In the Learning section, tap General > Accessibility > Guided Access. Toggle Guided Access On.
- Tap on Set Passcode and choose a passcode that only you will know. Toggle Accessibility Shortcut to Off.
Once Guided Access is enabled, if your child tries to leave the app, a banner message will appear telling them to triple-click the Home button to exit. If they don’t know the passcode, they won’t be able to exit Guided Access.
We also recommend you disable multitasking on your iPad:
- Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
- Tap on General > Multitasking > Turn Off.
For Android smartphone and tablet:
Download Touch Lock – Toddler Lock
For Amazon Kindle Fire:
Download Kids Place – Parental Control
Are there any physical games for cognitive development that you can recommend that are well-suited for children with ASD?
Here are several physical games that we highly recommend:
- Day & Night
- Color Code
- Chocolate Fix Board Game
- hinkFun Rush Hour
- Swish Junior Card Game
- Set: The Family Game of Visual Perception
- SmartGames Bunny Peek a Boo
The app has no sound! What can I do?
If POOZA has no sound, do the following:
- Move the ring/silent switch into the ring mode. (The app is muted by iOS in the silent mode).
- Use the sound volume buttons to increase the device volume.
- Turn sound on inside POOZA app by toggling ON the sound button in the top right corner of the home screen.
My child has sensory issues and prefers that the POOZA sound is OFF. What can I do?
All POOZA games can all be played without sound. Simply mute the sound on your device.